Volcano National Park, Hawaii
Cape Forchu, YarmouthIn 2010, we were in Oahu, Hawaii when a powerful earthquake struck Chile, triggering a tsunami alert across the Pacific Ocean. We woke up to air raid sirens and a vertical evacuation of Waikiki (which was too densely populated to have a safe and timely 'horizontal' evacuation away from the coast.)
It was an intense and highly unusual situation. In the end, the tsunami was quite small in terms of the size of the wave, but we were still in awe of the ocean's power. Seeing water recede, then flood back in, then recede once again, was unlike anything else I've ever witnessed. We're so fortunate we were safe and sound during this (moderate) natural disaster. Shoestring budgets in London? YES!Is traveling to London on your list? This beautiful city has something to offer everyone and its well organized, English-speaking attractions and excursions make it very appealing to a first time traveler. Unfortunately, the exchange rate of the British Pound puts just about every other currency at a distinct disadvantage. It’s not that the prices are so unreasonable for a local resident – it’s the conversion that really makes a visitor suffer! Still, with a bit of advance planning, you can enjoy the best of London, even on a budget.
Bay of Fundy, Nova ScotiaKillbear Provincial ParkLahaina, MauiPublic parks and botanical gardens are perfect places to visit when you travel.Meet one of our travel value all stars! No matter where you go, what you do, or why you travel, these features, attractions, or amenities will always offer you tremendous value; an excellent experience for your limited time and money. Public Parks
The best things in life really are free! Few things come close to matching public parks and gardens in term of their outstanding value. Utterly free –or occasionally costing a cup of coffee – there’s no limit on the amount of time you can sit, daydream, and people-watch. I love to soak in the beauty of the public art and lovely gardens, while enjoying locals go about their day. |
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