Bratislava is cheeky, cheerful, and super serious about all things ice cream.
What is it that makes a town feel alive - or like it's dying? There are just some cities, some towns, even some streets that feel so inextricably alive, vibrant, thriving, pulsing with energy and growth. And then there are their counterparts, places that may be filled with shops and people, places that have amazing restaurants and vistas and views, but the energy is different, stagnant, gone.
This hard to describe, impossible to capture alive-ness is what I covet when I travel. I LOVE it when I discover a place that is decidedly ALIVE. Of course, I want to see the beauty and possibility in every location I visit and I always go in with a neutral set of expectations but there's nothing like the thrill of a destination that unexpectedly just blows you away. And that was Bratislava. I have never experienced a city more alive, more pulsating, filled with more joie de vivre than Bratislava. Update: This business is now closed. If anyone has information on a possible reopening or relocation, please let me know. I wish Mike all the very best and I hope readers still enjoy this post and having the chance to read about a Kona legend.
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