Craving a slice or two? Go ahead and indulge - all around the world. We've got 9 reasons why pizza is the best food for travel.Have you ever had a craving for an impossible-to-find food in another country? I went crazy for pasta while in Bangkok (and I LOVE Thai food), while I was craving tacos like crazy in Athens (did I mention I ate tacos twice the week before?) And pizza! I can't begin to count the number of slices I've eaten all around the world - and I'm someone who adores food and loves nothing more than getting to know a new culture through their cuisine. What's going on? I guess there are occasions where you just crave variety or familiarity and comfort. But sometimes those cravings come at a cost - I always feel so guilty that I'm not eating something more local, more authentic. But guilt is a horrible emotion to waste your energy on, especially when you should be enjoying your trip. So I'm now going to indulge - guilt free - in pizza all around the world and I think you should too! Here are my 9 best reasons for eating pizza and why pizza is the best food, no matter where you are in the world. It's a great way to try local ingredientsHave you ever had fresh Hawaiian pineapple on a Hawaiian pizza? It's absolutely amazing! And the local mushroom and onions aren't bad either. How about Brie and ham in France? Or tomatoes and basil in Italy? You're not just eating pizza - you're conducting cultural research! If a region is famous for a certain ingredient (like Vermont and it's cheddar) ask if you can get it on your pizza. Tracking down the ingredients to make your own homemade pizza is an even better way to source local food and get to know farmers and their markets. Use pizza pick up to explore new neighbourhoodsWant to find the best pizza in town? Ask a 20-something guy, like the car rental desk staffer. They ALWAYS know the best places to go! And use that as your motivation to discover a new neighborhood. Take that fresh pie to the nearest public park and spend some time there eating and people watching. Go explore the museum closest to the pizza parlor. Ask the staff who has the second best restaurant in the area - after their own, of course! Chat with localsEveryone says they want to meet locals when they travel - why not start by talking to the person right in front of you? Everyone loves pizza. Offer a slice to whoever is working the front desk of your hotel or hostel. Chat for 5 minutes to the guys at the pick up counter. Tell the market vendors what you're searching for and get some personal recommendations. Honestly, these conversations are one of the absolute best reasons why pizza is the best food. It's such a good conversation starter! Use your money to support independent businessesThere's nothing wrong with chain or resort restaurants but the extra nice thing about ordering from an independent pizza parlor or buying all of your ingredients at a market is that the money you spend stays in the community you are visiting. It's an easy way to make sure your travel dollars go the distance. Speaking of money...Pizza is still pretty darn affordable, even with the rise of gourmet joints. And cheap pizza can be good - there are still places recommended in the Frommer's New York City guidebook that sell pizza for $1, $2 a slice. We can easily STUFF ourselves for $20, with leftover slices and dollars to enjoy tomorrow. A good deal, round the clockPizza makes for a fine breakfast, lunch, supper, or snack and is one of the few non-fast food options late at night. Toting leftovers with me for my next meal is one of the many reasons I travel with Ziploc bags in my pack! And it might even be healthy!Okay, let's not kid ourselves. There's no way pizza is a health food. But if you've been living off greasy fried noodles in Asia or devouring African style potato wedges deep fried in palm oil, chances are a loaded veggie pizza will taste mighty wholesome. Asking for a thin or whole wheat crust, extra vitamin-C packed tomato sauce, fresh garlic, or a sparse serving of cheese raises the health factor even more. It's always a safe choiceI'll be the first to admit there's no pizza that compares to authentic Italian pizza, enjoyed in Italy. But you'd be surprised how easy it is to get pizza that's passable (or even pretty darn good) all over the world. I'm not sure I'd go so far to say that there's no such thing as bad pizza but thanks to Italian immigrants (and New Yorkers!), if you're craving something different after your third straight week of nsima and chambo fish, pizza's a good choice. Best reason of all? It's FUN!Traveling doesn't need to be so serious, so hardcore, so "I'm a traveler, not a tourist". Why not just have fun!? Grab a pizza and use it to break the ice and make new friends at a hostel. Watch a movie or catch up on your reading while enjoying some delicious slices. Have a lazy night in. Rest. Relax. Enjoy. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff! Where's the most unexpected place you've had pizza? What did you order and how did it taste? If you enjoyed this article, you'll also like: Buttery Bliss on the Ottawa Croissant Crawl Flavors of PEI for Fickle Foodies Orvieto Wine, Food, and Family Our Top Secret Fremantle Coffee Spot Artichokes and Olive Oil: Our Favourite Food Tour, Rome
26/3/2015 04:26:16 am
Exactly - and pizza really does bring people together from all different cultures and ways of life. 26/3/2015 04:06:38 am
Pizza is so versatile! What's funny is that it tastes different in different parts of the.
26/3/2015 04:31:04 am
It's amazing how even something as basic as tomato sauce can taste so different all around the world.
5/4/2015 02:59:06 am
And we might just be eating it today, given that we forgot to make plans for Easter dinner!
12/9/2015 03:19:11 pm
Exactly - all pizzas have a little bit of Italy in them, as well as a little bit of wherever you are.
12/9/2015 07:11:51 pm
Have you ever tried to make it yourself? You would probably make a pretty awesome pie with your pizza pedigree! 13/9/2015 12:23:20 am
I am so in agreeance with this article! It is the BEST travel food and it doesnt matter where you are....there is always Pizza...the most universal food. <3
14/9/2015 10:21:09 am
It seems that everyone loves it- so great for making friends!
14/9/2015 10:38:39 am
And sometimes even the mediocre ones aren't that bad - usually most can be salvaged with enough chili flakes. 13/9/2015 05:26:31 pm
Best pizza I had in South America was in Argentina. However, the pizza in Naples is still the best in the world as it also provides experience.
14/9/2015 10:39:54 am
MMMMMM Naples! I think that is a dream pizza destination! I was surprised by how great the pizza is in Boston. I always though of NYC and Chicago for great pizza but Boston was fantastic. 14/9/2015 10:57:49 am
I love pizza. Absolutely, love it! And although I try to eat local too, like you said, sometimes you just need something familiar. I remember after a week in Bali and eating only local dishes, going up to the girl at the front desk of my hotel and desperately asking if there were any pizza places nearby lol. Luckily, there were!
14/9/2015 07:26:24 pm
Food cravings never seem to make any sense but sometimes giving in to them can lead to great travel adventures!
20/12/2015 05:17:21 pm
Our version of afternoon tea is a margarita pizza and lattes, no matter where we are. Kind of like your nacho's, it's also a great way to explore and experience the differences in countries and regions. I have to admit that my favorite pizza and latte moment is still sitting in an outdoor café far beyond San Marco Square and watching the boats go by on the Adriatic.
24/12/2015 03:14:16 pm
That sounds like the perfect way to pass an afternoon and re energize for more travels.
25/10/2018 04:19:41 am
I just had a pizza last night in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe! It wasn't quite the same as it would be at home but it REALLY was a welcome dose of 'different' after a week of similar food on safari. And the pineapple on it was local and thus really lovely. 6/7/2021 01:55:14 am
I liked it when you shared that it is great to eat pizza since it can hardly disappoint you. My friend just mentioned the other day that she is having a hard time thinking what to eat everyday since she is living alone in her small apartment. I will suggest to her ordering pizza for lunch and dinner. Comments are closed.
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